Brief Introduction of Daily Chemistry

Brief Introduction of Daily Chemistry

Posted by Daily Chemistry

Brief Introduction of Daily Chemistry
Brief Introduction of Daily Chemistry

Have you ever wondered about the things happened around you and asked yourself about this and that? Why did it happen? For examples, maybe you have ever thought about the slag on your kettle when you boiled some water. Or why your white clothes got yellow after several wash? How detergent can pull out stain from your clothes? How carbonate water gave the fresh feeling to your throat? Those phenomenon maybe bring out your mind for so many questions..yups!! That thing is inseparable from chemical reaction.

So what comes to your mind when you heard 'Chemistry'? For beginner or those who didn't learn chemistry properly, maybe will think chemistry identically with bomb, poison, food additive or another dangerous thing. Actually, not all chemical substance is dangerous, there are a lot of very useful unrealized substance closed with us.

Writers who studied chemistry at their collage often had a pathetic feeling when a lot of people had a wrong idea with chemistry and its substances. Basically is not the thing about 'chemical substance' on something or 'chemical substance' that had a role on some negative thing happened, it is about the amount and the utilizing of that substance.

Chemistry studied about composition of a substance along with the participate alteration in it. As it said on one of chemistry's book by Ralph H. Petrucci and F. Geoffrey Herring that chemistry is the center of all branch of science. With studying chemistry properly you will got the connectivity to another disciplines, so as a writer we had a very big wish of you to get a lot of knowledge that will bring you to another field such as Biology, Physics and Health.

Science is not only focusing on concepts or theories but also talking about the scientific method. Chemistry as one of science closely related with experiment. To find a theory we have to meet observation, made a hypothesis then arrange an experiment to make a test of our previous hypothesis. So with studying chemistry you can improve your creativity and applied it to our daily life.

You don’t need to worry about your present knowledge of chemistry because we will talk about it in a simply way to make it easy to be understand along with the simple examples found around us. Don't think it harshly, look around at your house and stand at your kitchen. You will found salt, yups salt as our basic seasoning is a chemical substance too.

Salt is formed from two different chemical compounds, Sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl). Salt had another function other than just seasoning, it was releasing your body muscle from stress, mix it on some warm water you used to take a shower. The other characteristic of salt is as anti-microbe which can minimize wound inflammation. So it same with sugar, maybe you already know that sugar is categorized as a simply carbohydrate which contains chemical compound, Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O). Sugar also had another function such as a natural food additive, stain removal, etc. We will try to share another use of that two previous and also a lot of chemical substance in this blog. So stay tuned and aware of it!!

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